Academic Year/Semester  

Date Duration:

  1. Academic year: From each year’s August 1st to its following year’s July 31st
  2. First semester: From each year’s August 1st to its following year’s January 31st
  3. Second semester: From each year’s February 1st to same year’s July 31st

Current Master’s Students

(1) The content in this section is not comprehensive. Please follow the Graduate Student Handbook or the resolutions from GISE’s institute affairs meetings.

(2) Per the university’s rules and regulations, documents that are allowed to be downloaded from the university’s website can only be in ODF or PDF format. If other types of formats are desired, please request by emailing the GISE office:


Overall Rules

Forms for Download

🚩 To apply for thesis advisors who are GISE faculty members

(1) Master’s students should confirm their thesis advisors prior to the end of their first academic year. (2) There should be at least one GISE faculty member as one of a student’s advisors. (3) If change of advisor is desired, the students should contact the GISE office for detailed procedure.

🚩 To apply for waiver of science course credit hours

The science courses that the GISE requires master’s students to take should be graduate level courses. Undergraduate-level science courses can only be taken when the courses are in different disciplines from the student’s major field. However, only two thirds of the undergraduate-level science course credit hours can be used to do so, and these credit hours should not be counted toward all the needed credit hours that the student should complete to graduate. As for the rest of the science course credit hours, the student should still take graduate level courses to fulfill.

🚩 To apply for waiver of total credit hours counted toward graduation

In accordance with GISE’s rules, only one fourth of the total credit hours counted toward graduation can be waived.

🚩 To apply for presentation of thesis proposal (first three chapters)

(1) The presentation of thesis proposal should be conducted at least three months prior to the graduate degree exam. (2) The GISE office will notify the students via email about the registration of the presentation of thesis proposal that will be conducted in the following semester. Students who desire to do so should register prior to the deadline indicated in the email. Presentation will not be arranged if the student fails to register prior to deadline.

🚩 To apply for graduate degree exam (oral exam)

(1) The deadlines for the application for graduate degree exam are the end of November of the first semester and the end of May of the second semester. (2) Students who aim to graduate prior to November or May should contact the GISE office for detailed procedure to apply for the graduate degree exam. (3) Application for graduate degree exam will only be accepted when the student has completed all the program requirements and received documents that prove the completion. (4) Forms that are used during the graduate degree exam will be provided by the GISE office when needed.

Current Doctoral Students

(1) The content in this section is not comprehensive. Please follow the Graduate Student Handbook or the resolutions from GISE’s institute affairs meetings.

(2) Per the university’s rules and regulations, documents that are allowed to be downloaded from the university’s website can only be in ODF or PDF format. If other types of formats are desired, please request by emailing the GISE office:


Overall Rules

Forms for Download

🚩 To form an academic advisory committee

Each doctoral student should form an academic advisory committee prior to the end of the first academic year, i.e., the student’s first year in the program.

🚩 To apply for candidacy examination

Please go through the Graduate Student Handbook carefully and thoroughly to understand the rules for the candidacy examination.

🚩 To apply for dissertation advisors who are GISE faculty members

(1) The student should confirm the dissertation advisor prior to the end of the second academic year, i.e., the student’s second year in the program. (2) There should be at least one full-time GISE faculty member as one of the student’s advisors. (3) If change of advisor is desired, the students should contact the GISE office for detailed procedure.

🚩 To apply for presentation of dissertation proposal (first three chapters)

(1) The presentation of dissertation proposal should be conducted at least five months prior to the graduate degree exam. (2) Students can apply for the presentation of dissertation proposal during a temporary leave from studies

🚩 To apply for waiver of science course credit hours

The science courses that the GISE requires master’s students to take should be graduate level courses. Undergraduate-level science courses can only be taken when the courses are in different disciplines from the student’s major field. However, only two thirds of the undergraduate-level science course credit hours can be used to do so, and these credit hours should not be counted toward all the needed credit hours that the student should complete to graduate. As for the rest of the science course credit hours, the student should still take graduate level courses to fulfill.

🚩 To apply for waiver of total credit hours counted toward graduation

n accordance with GISE’s rules, only one fourth of the total credit hours counted toward graduation can be waived.

🚩 To apply for graduate degree exam (oral exam)

(1) The deadlines for the application for graduate degree exam are the end of November of the first semester and the end of May of the second semester. (2) Students who aim to graduate prior to November or May should contact the GISE office for detailed procedure to apply for the graduate degree exam. (3) Application for graduate degree exam will only be accepted when the student has completed all the program requirements and received documents that prove the completion. (4) Forms that are used during the graduate degree exam will be provided by the GISE office when needed.